For a long time now I have been accumulating links to “useful” pages, sites etc., Some are in PocketĀ (I’ve had an account there since it was ReadItLater), some in Diigo (moved to that after Delicious was taken over by Yahoo! and lost some functionality [now largely regained]); and some in EvernoteĀ (generally personal links –…
Category: research
Creating a shared bibliography.
Recently, 4 of us have been working on a shared bibilography – using a number of different tools. For the actual referencing, we considered Mendeley, Zotero and EndNote Web for the shared area. Mendeley was the first one we tried, but it didn’t play as well with the multiple machines we had (Linux, Windows XP/7,…
Changing another unit!
Having posted some of my ideas about updating Edcom and wanting it to be more “Web2.0” oriented, I’m also thinking about another unit – Research Methods for the Level 2 students. (warning; may take some time to appear). This was originally developed by Terry King, for a small group of students – all of whom…
eJournals – in China
I’ve just been told that CAU does have access to eJournals – I guess I must have not made it clear to the students what it was I was trying to ask them (Or maybe they’re just like UK students, they get told lots of times & still forget!) Now … to figure out which…
Horizon Report – 2008
The annual Horizon Report (pdf) has been published. They’ve produced a rather nice “Megatrends” diagram – looking at the main predictions from all the earlier reports (2004 – 2008).ng I’ve skim read the current report – I think that the idea of “Social Operating Systems” will be worth watching; it seems to me to be…
2020? Your vision
Pew Internet have launched their third Future of the Internet Survey. Unlike most Pew Reports, it’s open to anyone (who has computer access), rather than other Pew surveys which generally cover Americans (with phones). Some interesting scenarios, and what I like is that it’s possible to comment on all the answers that you give (allow…
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication.
JULY 2007 This is the first time I’ve seen this particular Journal, which is based at Indiana University, but has a range of papers. Gender Differences in British Blogging Sarah Pedersen & Caroline Macafee A useful study looking at characteristics of female & male bloggers (over 18) in the UK. They have generally similar findings…
Collating References etc!
I’m just starting to work on a shared project with other members of staff, and am therefore looking quite carefully at the way in which we (and I in future) can store references. A bit of history! When I first started working at the University, I used ProCite. I didn’t have any choice, but I…
"Banning" Wikipedia.
The Guardian has an article about the fact that the History Department at Middlebury have “banned” wikipedia. Cyberspace reacted as one might expect, with a full range of views. InsideHigherEd’s report is worth reading, as they stress, (as does the Guardian), that the real objection comes when students see wikipedia as the sole source of…
Sociality and Learning in Social Software.
Tim Hoogenbooms presents a long blog post (more of a paper really) looking at social learning through the use of Social software (Web2.0). He looks at some of the difficulties inherent in the use of social software for social learning. Long, but well worth reading. (It is in English!)…