A bit of a play …

I’ve started to look at changing the theme of this blog, or at least altering some of the features of the current theme (CampusPress Flex), which looks as if it’s been updated a few times since I installed it.  However, I’ve also decided I ought to start to get used the block editor (not convinced);…

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity or academic misconduct – it’s something that’s discussed a lot in Higher Education (and indeed at other levels); we’re no different in Dundee. It’s also something that I have been involved with for a long time. In my early days as a Lecturer at Portsmouth we used, for a small number of assessments,…

6 years …

… since I started at Dundee. It’s been a while since I updated this blog; at the start of the pandemic, I got back into blogging. I slipped out of it during the last 2 years. It’s something that I’ve thought about re-invigorating a more often than I can count; I have a number of…

Representing feelings

This has been a busy week, as we had a full morning of planning the next few months and further ahead for where the team is going. Like so many other Educational Technology teams, its very much full of plans we’d have probably had anyway; just not all at the same time, nor with the…

5 years …

… ago I joined Dundee University. (5 years & 5 days if you’re being particularly picky) Like all of us, I’d never anticipated this last year; though like many others I’ve spoken to, as an Educational Technologist, we’ve had to introduce new approaches, tools and ways of working that we wanted to – just not…

It’s the people who are key

I’ve been a little quiet on here recently, in part, as this year has been very much of a groundhog one. It feels that I’m doing the same thing, over and over – not always getting very far. [Though stepping back, we’ve come a long way] Several of the posts I’ve read in the last…

A wee while since the last post …

At the start of lockdown, other than the fact I hadn’t really thought I’d still be working from home (and now planning a garden room to help me feel like I was “going” to work – the Guardian had some other handy suggestions last weekend, too) – I re-started to blog. It worked well for…

ALT Summer Summit – Day 1: Online

I’ve not been to ALT for a few years now, and had hoped to go (hopefully en-route to Australia) this year in London. 2020 has been the weirdest year ever, so I’m neither in London, nor heading to Australia. It’s an online conference. Unlike some other online conferences that I’ve tried to join, this is…

A busy few weeks

I’ve been a little quiet on the blog recently – obviously, not as quiet as I was pre-lockdown when I was averaging 1 post a year for the past 4 years or so, but quiet compared to previous weeks.  In part, that was due to a huge push to get staff support material out, in…

CTIL on a Desert Island

In our team, CTIL, we’ve been doing a “Daily Challenge” – they’ve varied, but the one we’ve just done has engaged the whole team for nearly a fortnight; we did our own desert island discs, (a track each a day). For me, and for others, it’s been a chance to revisit old favourites – and…