5 years …

… ago I joined Dundee University. (5 years & 5 days if you’re being particularly picky) Like all of us, I’d never anticipated this last year; though like many others I’ve spoken to, as an Educational Technologist, we’ve had to introduce new approaches, tools and ways of working that we wanted to – just not…

Changes ….

Change is something that has cropped up a lot for me, both personally and from a work point of view. Around this time last year, I decided to leave my job, sell my house and move North (there were personal reasons for that, it wasn’t a wild whim). That involved leaving a job I’d had…

… and Google+

I’d read that it’s possible to move from one G+ account to another; however, it seems that it’s far more difficult than it appears (mostly because Google have removed the tool they used to offer. At present, all I can do is to use the vcf cards from the Google Takeout (which are handily grouped…