… since I started at Dundee. It’s been a while since I updated this blog; at the start of the pandemic, I got back into blogging. I slipped out of it during the last 2 years. It’s something that I’ve thought about re-invigorating a more often than I can count; I have a number of stub posts to finish, and far more in my head that haven’t got to the screen. 

However, a couple of things have happened recently that have made me really think about re-starting, and continuing. 

  • Thinking about SFHEA & CMALT applications. I need to have a good set of data to support my applications. 
  • Reading TRU Digital Detox over the weekend – the first week’s post really rang true. 

At the start of lockdown 1 I posted that it all felt like juggling with water; towards the end of last year it all just felt relentless. So, in the first post from Digital Detox Brenna’s comment spoke to me. A lot

 And in many ways, things feel bleaker than they did at the beginning of the pandemic, because we’re now all too aware that everything we hoped was temporary, from critical staffing shortages to the demands of working in multiple modalities, is probably not, in fact, temporary

I’m also hoping to start looking at thing more visually; I bought “Observe, Collect, Draw” at the end of last year. (One of my posts in draft is looking at ways of presenting data visually…) 

Observe, Collect, Draw by Giorgia Lupi & Stefanie Prosovec

I’m therefore thinking of looking again at this blog – could I make the visual more prominent? A time to re-look at the theme I’m using? Some of you may have seen in the past that I like Lego! I’ve collected early 20th Century Childrens’ books (in particular, Girls’ School stories) for many years. About 4 years ago, we started to recreate the covers from Lego. It’s a work in progress, however, I’m thinking now that I’d like to bring the diorama idea into a more work related area. Whether that’s to convey information, or just to reflect, I’ve yet to decide. 

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I’ve said this before, and no doubt will say it again, but I really intend to get back to blogging.

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