It’s the people who are key

I’ve been a little quiet on here recently, in part, as this year has been very much of a groundhog one. It feels that I’m doing the same thing, over and over – not always getting very far. [Though stepping back, we’ve come a long way] Several of the posts I’ve read in the last…

Collaborative Learning Environments.

The whole range of “learning environments” – and what they are is cropping up a lot in conversations at present; in particular those that facilitate collaborative opportunities. From a digital point of view, we are starting to think about the VLE and other digital provision we have in place at Dundee. It’s currently Blackboard, with…

Communication – and symbols.

This morning, I saw a post about Snapchat‘s acquisition of Bitmoji (no-one suggested that one to me last week when I was trying to make an avatar, though they suggested several others). It made me think about how much symbolic communication has been a part of the various jobs I have had. When I first…

Changes ….

Change is something that has cropped up a lot for me, both personally and from a work point of view. Around this time last year, I decided to leave my job, sell my house and move North (there were personal reasons for that, it wasn’t a wild whim). That involved leaving a job I’d had…

Creating a shared bibliography.

Recently, 4 of us have been working on a shared bibilography – using a number of different tools. For the actual referencing, we considered Mendeley, Zotero and EndNote Web for the shared area. Mendeley was the first one we tried, but it didn’t play as well with the multiple machines we had (Linux, Windows XP/7,…

Facebook it, Tweet it and the world knows: myth or reality.

That was the working title for the session that Timothy Collinson and I are doing for tonight’s Cafe Scientifique in Portsmouth. As we’ve been discussing it (on twitter, natch!) it’s been quite hard to restrict ourselves to that – we’ve found ourselves drifting off almost into citizen journalism – in other words when people *wanted*…

Uni's Closed – but how did you know.

Following a post from Brian Kelly, I started thinking about how University of Portsmouth let students/staff know that it was closed today. We had a number of sources: Twitter: @portsmouthuni @portsmouthsu @uoplibrary Websites One on the Uni site & one on the Student Union Site Email … though there only seemed to be an all…