In light of all the discussions we’ve had in the team recently about the dangers of technology starting to drive learning, rather than the other way round, Natalie shared a paper with us examing issues of carts and horses (Sankey 2020). It’s a very readable paper, and has lots of things that are very relevant…
Category: eLearning
Another week over …
Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I’ve been doing a fair bit of investigation into the ABC model for learning design, something I mentioned last week. We ran 3 workshops last week, trying to get to grips with adapting a face to face activity to an online scenario. This week, the decision…
Changes ….
Change is something that has cropped up a lot for me, both personally and from a work point of view. Around this time last year, I decided to leave my job, sell my house and move North (there were personal reasons for that, it wasn’t a wild whim). That involved leaving a job I’d had…
Similarity detection
not plagiarism detection I’m in the process of looking at the role that similarity detection tools (e.g. Turnitin and SafeAssign) can play in helping students improve their writing skills, and detect their own errors. My personal experience is that it’s a valuable tool – as long as you spend enough time explaining to students what…
What's in a name?
I’ve recently been involved with an email based discussion with other colleagues about aspects of “mobile” learning. There are various things we’ll be looking at, such as capabilities devices that students actually have, technical developments etc., and, the aspect I personally feel is crucial …the pedagogical issues involved when delivering learning material on small form-factor…
Trying to update a Unit!
I’m currently teaching a Unit called “Educational Computing” (warning: server often slow/down) The current unit looks at how to design & create what’s essentially a learning object – for something that is fairly fact based – things like GCSE revision are common choices. The software the students create (currently using Flash or HTML) is designed…
Teaching with Twitter
A whole range of ideas from Steve Wheeler for Teaching with Twitter. I can see several having uses here. There are also links to others who’ve experimented with Twitter for teaching….
The Open University’s Cohere tool looks as if it could be interesting, and I see it’s now in Labspace -alongside compendium. (But hard to tell, the interface has changed since I last went there)…
Blooms Taxonomy & Second Life
Rex Heer from Iowa State University (Thursday Xu in Second Life) has created a very useful resource – it covers Blooms Taxonomy – and how SecondLife can be used to cover the different levels of learning that Bloom identifies. It’s also a really good example in itself of what can be done within SL!…
An absolutely riveting online course
Jim Henry lists Nine principles for excellence in web-based teaching. Henry starts out with the comments that many of those teaching online would far rather not be – and often don’t feel they have the expertise to do so. The principles listed are: The online world is a medium unto itself. In the online world…