Second Life getting Second Wind?

We used to be quite active in Second Life (though I have to confess to never being that excited by it, despite the enthusiasm I tried to show my students). I’ve felt for a while that tomorrow’s students, growing up on Minecraft might well be more responsive to it than those we worked with nearly…

Creating a shared bibliography.

Recently, 4 of us have been working on a shared bibilography – using a number of different tools. For the actual referencing, we considered Mendeley, Zotero and EndNote Web for the shared area. Mendeley was the first one we tried, but it didn’t play as well with the multiple machines we had (Linux, Windows XP/7,…

Blooms Taxonomy & Second Life

Rex Heer from Iowa State University (Thursday Xu in Second Life) has created a very useful resource – it covers Blooms Taxonomy – and how SecondLife can be used to cover the different levels of learning that Bloom identifies. It’s also a really good example in itself of what can be done within SL!…

Virtual Worlds.

The BBC’s click have a report this week on Virtual Worlds – looking at Twinity and Near Global. Both Twinity and Near Global have much better graphics than Second Life.(perhaps explaining why I can’t get Twinity to work on my home PC!). I rather liked the ghosts of people in Near Global; rather than Twinity…

Day 1: Relive 08

Keynote 1: Edward Castranova Looking Economics in SL – and volume of money involved. Our workshop Seemed to go well; was well worth the time spent setting up all those training accounts. Learning to Walk before you Know your name: Ian Truelove & Graham Hibbert Using OpenSim to let students learn to work within environment…

Massively Multilearner 08

Conference Website A useful day. This was the second of the MML events I’d attended. Schome Anna Peachey gave an update on the Schome project (which includes more than just SecondLife!) Some useful points – e.g. “Governance” both as learning & real (to work out prim counts, AUP etc). Much of final build (funding now…

Just one ID?

OpenID crops up quite often in the blogosphere. While I can see the point to a certain degree, there are also issues of merging upmteen accounts into one. Stephen Downes is a strong advocate, though I can see the points that Langhoff raises in the comments regarding security (particularly after the news of the loss…

Help us shape the future « Second Health. This has just been set up, it’s a collaboration between National Physical laboratory & Imperial College. This particular site gives you a direct entry to an orientation island aimed at Health Care workers….

Striking in Second Life.

The Sydney Morning Herald has a report of a threatened strike by IBM workers in SL. The actual dispute surrounds an Italian Internal collective agreement, but employees in 18 countries have agreed to take part. Somehow standing round a brazier in SecondLife isn’t quite the same as in real life (or is it only UK…

HEA-ICS 07 – SL Workshop

Yesterday we held a SecondLife workshop at the HEA-ICS Conference in Southampton. I was pleasantly surprised at the number of people we got; given that it was at 10.30 on the first day of the conference. We’d got a set of USB sticks with SL pre-installed, and managed to find enough working PCs to get…