Just a 4 day week :)

Two four day weeks, actually, with a 4 day weekend between. That really helped me this week, I think. I’d not realised how tired I was getting (or grumpy, though I suspect colleagues may have  …) The weekend was spent well away from the computer – mostly in the garden, trying to prepare a bed…

“On this day”

Facebook’s “On this day” often throws up things I’d totally forgotten about. Today’s was work related, and, in many ways, it’s still as relevant now as it was 7 years ago: I’’m recently starting to think more and more about Web2.0 and teaching; more specifically how much is actually “web2.0” (on the assumption it can…

Twitter – wordle.

Though I’ve done far more in Twitter than I have here, my Wordle is very similar to the one I created in January! I’m not sure how to get the rt out; given that I created it via Tweetstats ( rather than directly as I had in the past)…


RWW reports that Tweetdeck has allegedly been bought by Twitter. Nothing has been confirmed yet – but if so, then RWW’s feeling that it’s likely that support for other networks will remain is probably true. (Not that I’ve ever actually used Tweetdeck for anything other than a single twitter a/c; but it’s nice to know…

Twitter … or why I've not been blogging

It’s fairly clear from the Wordle that I’ve just posted, that I’m using twitter more and more at the moment, so, following the suggestion from Ginerva,, I thought I’d have a go at creating it. Tweetstats gave me some useful stats, and here’s the wordle (which you can now create straight from Tweetstats):…

Facebook it, Tweet it and the world knows: myth or reality.

That was the working title for the session that Timothy Collinson and I are doing for tonight’s Cafe Scientifique in Portsmouth. As we’ve been discussing it (on twitter, natch!) it’s been quite hard to restrict ourselves to that – we’ve found ourselves drifting off almost into citizen journalism – in other words when people *wanted*…

FourSquare – or where on earth am I?

Over dinner at ALT-C, Helen was encouraging several of us to experiment with fourSquare – we got it to recognise that there were several of us in the East Midlands Conference Centre; however, some people’s devices were a bit confused – though it thought that Frances & I were about 70 m from it; it…

Uni's Closed – but how did you know.

Following a post from Brian Kelly, I started thinking about how University of Portsmouth let students/staff know that it was closed today. We had a number of sources: Twitter: @portsmouthuni @portsmouthsu @uoplibrary Websites One on the Uni site & one on the Student Union Site Email … though there only seemed to be an all…

Blogging, Twitter or Facebook.

A couple of conversations last week while on leave – and since I’ve got back, have reminded me that I’ve really got rather behind with the blogging – and also that I’m now using Twitter more and more (not that I needed to be told either!) Twitter & Blogging When I first came across Twitter,…

Twitter tools

I’ve recently seen a range of new twitter tools – no doubt there are many more that I’ve not seen! http://twitter.mailana.com lets you see friends & also local Twitters; perhaps a little “busy” to easily understand. Twitteranalyzer Massive range of stats, though I’m a little sceptical about the “followersdensity” maps. If it is accurate ……