Deciphering student search behaviour – SEARCH – Research Information

Some interesting questions arise here … Deciphering student search behaviour – SEARCH – Research Information. … firstly – does it matter? On the assumption that it does; why? I certainly don’t see any problems with students discussing what they’re learning with each other; whether it’s via Facebook, MSN, over a cuppa, or whatever. The second…

Creating a shared bibliography.

Recently, 4 of us have been working on a shared bibilography – using a number of different tools. For the actual referencing, we considered Mendeley, Zotero and EndNote Web for the shared area. Mendeley was the first one we tried, but it didn’t play as well with the multiple machines we had (Linux, Windows XP/7,…

Wikipedia tools

Visual Wikipedia lets you see how different pages are related in Wikipedia. Here’s what it thinks about Portsmouth: Via: Freetech4teachers Meanwhile Googlepedia shows the Wikipedia page for a search term, alongside the Google results….

Visualising social software.

Malinka Ivanova has a list of a number of tools to visualise links in social networking. I see she’s also got a cloud tag powered by Quintura – a search engine that’s interested me for some time….

Audio bits and bobs.

EveryZing – attempts to analyse the audio in online audio and video to enable searching (Technical details are outlined in SpeechTechMag). I’ve just tried searching “News” for “Peter Tobin” – who has cropped up a lot in the UK news in the past few days. I didn’t get any hits, though when I extended this…

Searching For The Best Engine

Freedman in Newsweek, looks at the competition currently facing Google. He starts with a history of Google – commenting in 1998 word started getting around about a new search engine from a tiny company with a goofy name that sometimes returned more-useful results It was in Summer of 1999 that I was doing my MSc…

Top 100 Alternative Search Engines, March 2007

Top 100 Alternative Search Engines, March 2007 This is the third of KNight’s lists of “alternative” search engines (i.e. those that aren’t Google). In this list he’s listed quite a few engines that cluster. It was the clustering of Northernlights that I particularly liked when I was doing the research for my MSc (in the…

Ms. Dewey

Ms. Dewey – a Flash based search tool … not the fastest, and I suspect not the most accurate, but amusing!…

Google For Educators

Google For Educators This is Google’s latest idea, they’ve also got a Newsletter for teachers etc., Most of the tools are those that I’m already using, but clearly with this and Google Literacy they’re trying to get into the education market. I’ve also recently been looking at Windows Academic Live – I think I prefer…