ALT Summer Summit – Day 1: Online

I’ve not been to ALT for a few years now, and had hoped to go (hopefully en-route to Australia) this year in London. 2020 has been the weirdest year ever, so I’m neither in London, nor heading to Australia. It’s an online conference. Unlike some other online conferences that I’ve tried to join, this is…

The days are getting longer …

… and time is flying So, it’s now the end of week 3; I’m getting more familiar with teams – and still not really liking it. I’ve also experienced a much bigger teams meeting than I have before – I think I’d have found collaborate much easier for that particular meeting. I was also meant…

Jisc Digifest 2017 – in real life!

Over the years, I have followed Jisc’s Digifest with interest, whether it was online via SecondLife, or, more recently, via Twitter, blogs posts and all the other social media my contacts and I both use – no doubt I missed a lot from those SM channels I’m not active in. This year, however, I got…

Durham Blackboard Conference – Day 1

Over the years, I’d seen the Durham Blackboard conference (#durbbu) crop up a lot in Twitter in early January; though, being a Moodle user at the time, I didn’t pay too much attention. This year, however, I got to go to it; as Dundee is a Blackboard user. As an ex-Durham student, it was also…

An ethical challenge?

A few weeks ago, @maricarjagger and I were discussing ideas for Cafe Scientifique. I can’t quite remember what triggered it, but I suggested that something about perceptions and reality of social networking could be interesting. I ended up volunteering myself and @timpaa. At the time, I was thinking about both those who’ve shared things –…

FourSquare – or where on earth am I?

Over dinner at ALT-C, Helen was encouraging several of us to experiment with fourSquare – we got it to recognise that there were several of us in the East Midlands Conference Centre; however, some people’s devices were a bit confused – though it thought that Frances & I were about 70 m from it; it…

ALT-C 2009 (2)

One of the sessions I attended was the Online Identity workshop run by Frances Bell, Josie Fraser, James Clay & Helen Keegan. As usual from that crowd it was interactive, thought provoking & they’d set up an accompanying Wiki. They started off by asking us to write our names on a postit. Trustingly we all…

ALT-C 2009

One of the issues that cropped up at ALT-C was “blog or twitter”. There’s an ongoing debate re. whether or not Twitter is killing blogging. I’m guilty of that – very much so! Just look at the twitter stats– and my frequency of recent postings on here. This started off really as a small discussion…