Based on Lynne Truss’ book, this Flash game looks useful. You do have to be quite accurate with where you drop the punctuation mark – so not ideal if you’re a little shaky with the mouse. Via: Free Technology for Teachers…
Category: Educational
Off to China
I am in the process of getting ready for my trip to the China Agricultural University in Beijing, where I will be teaching some students who are on computing courses there – and hoping to come to the UK next year. I am not quite sure what to expect!…
eLearning samples.
Just a couple of sites that I’ve come across in the past couple of days. Phun is a physics engine. It has to be downloaded & installed. From what I can tell, it saves in its own format. It seems much more powerful than the physics engine for the Tablet PC, though probably more complex…
Teaching and Learning With Twitter
Jennifer has made some very valid points following the TLt Summit 2008 In particular: It is time to toss out the blog, wiki, podcast mantra. This is bigger than tools isolated for singular purpose. If we keep pushing the tools into categories, new users will continue to only use the tools for those purposes. We…
Uses for blogs in Education
I’d not seen Scott’s original matrix (or, to be strictly honest, I think I have seen it before, but I can’t remember where/ when / I certainly never did anything with it at the time!). The first interactive one rings a bell, though I think that it is a shame they’ve removed the gradation from…
Metadata. A clear animation explaining metadata (though I’m still confused about some of the icons on the spacecraft!). They’ve also got a link to a metadata creation site (UK use only; Athens authentication required). I’m still unsure about metadata. It requires effort to create, and it can be open to a lot of personal interpretation….
How Much Time Does Classroom 2.0 Take?
This was originally a post about Web2.0, in the context of libraries. It doesn’t take long to change it to “Classroom 2.0” or “eLearning”. From a staff point of view, if we’re going to start to get our students to use Web2.0 tools to support their learning, how much time we can allocate to supporting…
A Free Learning Tool for Every Learning Problem?
ZaidLearn presents a list of tools. It’s quite long, most are familiar to me, though there are some new ones. I’d heard of “DimDim” before, but I’ve not checked it out; Courselab, was new to me. I was sorry not to see Elgg in his list; but perhaps he’s been bitten by the recent hiccups…
Had you asked me about half an hour ago what a “Pubcast” was, I’d have thought it was a blurry YouTube video recorded down at the Dog & Duck. However, I’ve just found SciVee, which Stephen Downes and Jane Hart describe as a useful resource for Scientists. It is, but what I think is more…
Horizon Report – 2008
The annual Horizon Report (pdf) has been published. They’ve produced a rather nice “Megatrends” diagram – looking at the main predictions from all the earlier reports (2004 – 2008).ng I’ve skim read the current report – I think that the idea of “Social Operating Systems” will be worth watching; it seems to me to be…