Blackboard and Patents

Over the summer, the Edu-blogosphere has been fairly actively following Blackboard’s patent for “eLearning”. Alfred Essa’s Nose has got a pretty good summary of what’s happened so far, and he’s got links to a lot of others view points, though most are pretty much along similar lines.  From a UK point of view, it’s worth…

PLEs & Google.

Since attending the PLE workshop, I’ve been mulling over the possibility of using a Google personal page as a form of PLE. I’ve already downloaded Google Notebook, which resides on the lower bar of the browser. I’ve got several different feeds onto my personal page (Gmail, Google Reader, BBC news etc.,), however, there are some…

WebCT / Elgg?

Since I originally mentioned the link in February, Sasan has added a Flash demo of it. Tama’s review (posted in February, but I’ve only just found it) of the Aperto link seems to indicate that it does have the functionality I’m looking for. His earlier comments about WebCT’s blogging tool covers most of the points…

Elgg and WebCT

Elgg and WebCT Now this looks interesting. It makes me almost regret that I’d decided not to go to the WebCT Conference next week! Via Steven Downes…

Blackboard vs. Moodle

Blackboard vs. Moodle A look by a single institution at the pros & cons of Blackboard & Moodle. They come down (just) on the side of Moodle, though they already have Blackboard. Ties in well with Michael Feldstein’s report on the cost of Blackboard a few weeks ago. Via Steven Downes…

'Educore' to Aid Collaboration

EduCore A wikipage (so might change), discussing the implications of utilising Open Source in HE, and some of the issues blocking its use. Fuchs suggets that were more universities to collaborate over open source projects (e.g. Sakai), then the support etc., would be there. Via: OL daily…

Internet Research 6.0: Internet Generations

Internet Research 6.0: Internet Generations. I’ve found several blog references to this conference, in particular from Lilia’s Mathemagenic Blog. I’m not sure how many papers there are, but there are quite a few. I’ve looked at several abstracts so far, but unfortunately it seems that it’s just an abstract, only delegates get access to the…

Get Gizmo!!

Leigh , at TALO has reviewed Gizmo – a VOIP application, that he feels has more to add to educational uses of VOIP than, say Skype, which is generally the most used. I like the links to Google maps that it has, and you can IM as well as talk. (Though I can’t see the…