KM Bloggers Community

Mathemagenic: Lilia Efimova has created a diagram of how her & others blogs about Knowledge Management interlink. There’s also a link to the abstract of a paper that she & others are working on, looking at how blogging communities build up….

Teach and Learn Online: Lawsuit against WebCT … it's inaccessible.

Teach and Learn Online: Lawsuit forces Web2 learning strategies A Masters Student in the US has taken his college to court, claiming that WebCT was inaccessible for him, and that it caused him to perform below his best. The Chronicle of Higher Education, which reported on the case, also discusses the difficulty that Web designers…

Migrating from WebCT to Moodle.

Auricle (Derek Morrison) reports on an interview with Morag Munro, about Dublin City’s migration from WebCT to Moodle. They actually made the move a couple of years ago. The interview is available as a Podcast. (Recorded from a Skype conversation – see previous post)…

Bblog: The Blackboard Weblog: Everybody's Blogging

Bblog: The Blackboard Weblog: Everybody’s Blogging Blackboard are thinking about adding blogging into the next version … While I like the idea of this – a single interface, I do hope that they are going to esure that the blog is visible outside the Blackboard environment, or I think a lot of the potential will…

LAMS Foundation

LAMS Foundation LAMS (Learning Activity Management System) was launched as Open Source Software in April. LAMS is developed at Macquarie – where James Dalziel, among others works. It wil be interesting to see how this matches up to both other open source systems (Boddington & Moodle), and also to commercial systems such as WebCT….

mamamusings: teaching a workshop for awc

mamamusings: teaching a workshop for awc AWC here being “Association for Women in Computing” – and the presentation is about Blogs and Wikis – a good introduction to the similarities and differences – with an emphasis on the social side of things. Could well be useful for student reference for KMET next year….

Polytechs migrate to moodle

STUFF : TECHNOLOGY – STORY : New Zealand’s leading news and information website Project manager Richard Wyles says the polytechs started investigating open source as a way of cutting costs. He estimates that using Moodle instead of proprietary software will save the Open Polytechnic about $50,000 every year in licence fees alone. This article is…

Use of Blogging in Undergraduate Courses: My Experience

Couros Blog – Frequent Rants from an Ed. Tech’er: Use of Blogging in Undergraduate Courses: My Experience A useful article – Alec started to get students on a course (which sounds rather like my EdCom unit from a quick glance), to use Blogs as a way of working. He’s listed some of the problems –…

Social Life of Students

Social Life of Students.Chris Lott has looked at how Communities of learning might develop, and their importance in the classroom – at whatever level. He sees blogs, wikis etc as being an important part of that. HOwever, the drawback that he sees is that many teachers/ lecturers, just use a blog for a term, which…