KEEP Toolkit

KEEP Toolkit This is an initiative started by Knowledge Media Laboratory of The Carnegie Foundation. It’s a set of open source tools. Knowledge sharing and collaboration are key aims of the project. They summarise the main points as: The KEEP Toolkit is a set of web-based tools that help teachers, students and institutions quickly create…

The WebLog as the Model for the new VLE

Auricle In February 2004, Auricle initiated a series of articles The Weblog as the Model for a New Type of VLE? Auricle (based at Bath) have been looking in particular at ELGG, a blog type system developed at Edinburgh, which has quite a lot of social interaction type features. They are calling it a “Personal…

The VLE of the Future.

Scott Wilson (from CETIS) has an overview of what he sees as being the VLE of the future … he feels that The VLE of the future will look less like a Content Management System or Intranet, and more like a cross between Shrook, SubEthaEdit,XJournal, iChat, iCal, and iTunes (well, on a Mac at least)….

Network EducationWare – Open Source Synchronous A/V Conferencing Software

Scott Leslie – who runs EdTechPost, is very impressed with Network EducationWare, an open source conferencing system developed by George Mason University. It includes the ability to share slides etc for a presentation, a text based chat, and a whiteboard. There is audio – both to record in advance with the slides, or for an…

Recording online audio interactions

Derek Morrison has posted 3 articles at Auricle about recording online audio interactions – Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 (Part 1 is linked from 3, but 2 doesn’t seem to be from 3) He looks at both free tools such as Skype, and commercial tools such as iVocalize….

Microsoft Research: Conference XP

Microsoft Research Learning Experience Project Initially this seemed like a good idea – conference software – free – to allow you to conference between 2 classrooms. However, while the software is free … the hardware required isn’t … Clearly Video conferencing is going to grow and grow, whether it’s just the web cam on the…

Using Moodle:

Using Moodle: Moodle for Windows Moodle is an open source VLE that I have mentioned before. The forums at Moodle are full of useful information. This particular one covers setting up Moodle on a standalone PC. Initially one might ask “why”. HOwever, any one who has spent time uploading material onto WebCT in order to…

LAMS: Learning Activity Management System

LAMS: Learning Activity Management System. Yet another Learning Management system … this one though seems to have a focus on activity – by which they mean activities that involve all the features of the computer, rather than just “ease of putting your notes on line”, which many other VLEs seem to advertise. They are going…

Course Management Systems >> It's the Support, Stupid!: Campus Technology

Course Management Systems >> It’s the Support, Stupid!: Campus Technology A look at the support that’s required to run a CMS system well … in particular the difference in support needed – and how it’s provided between a commercial and an open source option….

What are the Differences Between Message Boards and Weblogs?

What are the Differences Between Message Boards and Weblogs? An overview of the main differences between message boards and blogs. The author works for a company that specialise in the innovative use of social software in business. The author states that he’s looking at the way both are standardly used, rather than those that might…