In February 2004, Auricle initiated a series of articles The Weblog as the Model for a New Type of VLE?
Auricle (based at Bath) have been looking in particular at ELGG, a blog type system developed at Edinburgh, which has quite a lot of social interaction type features. They are calling it a “Personal Learning Landscape”. From the initial it seems to have some of the features that we would like in the new Blog project that we are trying to iniate, though not all of them. I do however need to have a closer look.
Derek Morrison, who posted the article is pretty impressed with the work that’s gone on behind ELGG, and feels that it has a stong potential for the future.

One thought on “The WebLog as the Model for the new VLE

  1. This looks extremely interesting. It might be worth pointing Carolyne Jacobs and the PBS PDP project towards this as they are currently looking at how PDP documenation should be done.

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