Internet Research 6.0: Internet Generations. I’ve found several blog references to this conference, in particular from Lilia’s Mathemagenic Blog.
I’m not sure how many papers there are, but there are quite a few. I’ve looked at several abstracts so far, but unfortunately it seems that it’s just an abstract, only delegates get access to the full paper. Blogging &/or community building seem to be common threads across many of the papers, but there are others. However, as far as I can tell, papers can only be sorted by title or author, rather than theme. Though the conference was in the US, there are quite a few international and/ or majority world based papers, such as Telling Stories of Internet Fraud: how word-of-mouth shapes Internet use in Accra, Ghana
I’ll try to remember to add comments about particular papers in the comments here, so at least it’s all together.
There is a wiki which was set up during the conference, which also looks a good starting point.