Glass orb with reflection of the landscape in it

Open Source in HE

Catherine Howell looks at a report by OSS watch into the use of Open Source Software by UK FE/HE institutions. The report itself was looking at all OS use, though Catherine has concentrated on the CMS/VLE/LMS aspects of the report. Institutional Policies and actual practice do vary, according to Policies, 7% of FE establishments make…


Over the past few weeks, when I’ve been very busy with marking etc., I’ve not been totally ignoring this blog, I’ve just been saving several sites as useful/ interesting for whatever reason. Quite a few have been “Web 2.0” type tools, so, rather than posting about them all, I’ve decided to create a new page…

RSS, S5 & Slidy. » RSS2S Or, how to turn your last 10 RSS feeds into a slideshow using S5. If you go to Pascal’s site – and enter the feed of your site into the text box, then you can see the S5 presentation for your blog. If he’s put his code on the site, I’ve not…

Google buys Writely

The Register reports on the purchase of Writely by Google, seeing it as a potential challenge to MS Office. I’ve used Writely before, and have blogged about it. I like Writely, and, though I used to be a Google fan (I can remember when I was doing my MSc Project, looking at Search Engines, I…


I’ve already mentioned “Writely” though I have to confess that though I’d mentioned it previously, I’d not really tested it. Having read Brian Lamb’s review of it, I thought I’d really better check it out. I’ve set up an account, and am using it now, hopefully in the process of creating this particular post. Though…

Writely – Process Words with your Browser

Writely – Process Words with your Browser A tool based on ajax – so “web 2.0” type technologies – which allows you to create “Word” documents online – without the need for MS Office … Originally found on TechCrunch, which has quite a few other interesting looking posts ……

Is PowerPoint Evil?

Doug Johnson makes two particularly pertinent points: PowerPoint doesn’t bore people: people bore people and If we are teaching kids how to use this software, it needs to be within the context of good speaking skills, not in a computer class….

Ivory towers will fall to digital land grab

A new approach to learning?. Bill Gates has visions of a $400 tablet (wonder if that will end up as £400 in the UK …?) He suggests that “Within four or five years, instead of spending money on textbooks,” he is quoted as saying, “they’ll spend a mere $400 or so buying that tablet device…