Glass orb with reflection of the landscape in it

The Register reports on the purchase of Writely by Google, seeing it as a potential challenge to MS Office. I’ve used Writely before, and have blogged about it. I like Writely, and, though I used to be a Google fan (I can remember when I was doing my MSc Project, looking at Search Engines, I was a bit of a Google evangelist, when my peers were still using Altavista, having not heard of Google… Now I’m trying to get students to use Search Engines other than Google!
However, to return to the point – I’m just getting a little sceptical of the number of avenues that Google is starting to go down. I can’t help wondering when they are going to run into problems. (Yesterday we saw the financial implications of “ClickFraud“) Oh well, let’s hope that Writely stays free.

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