I posted a query to Twitter, asking why twitter had a limit of 140 characters. Within seconds, both @intellagirl & @sclater had pointed out that it was based on a standard SMS – though I still wasn’t entirely sure – as I’d thought SMS was 160 characters (which Wikipedia confirmed) @josiefraser then supplied me with…
Category: Social Networking
The Top 10 Social Networks for Generation-Y
Clearly, I’m past it; I don’t recognise a single entry in this list of The Top 10 Social Networks for Generation-Y….
Twitter mashup
#ukSnow map. – from Today’s Weather! (OK, so us Brits just can’t cope with a wee smattering of the white stuff, but it’s a good example of Geo-twittering)….
Twitter tools.
Several people (AJCann was the first) have pointed me to Twitter Friends. I’ve had a look – I rather like the Network tool. (Clearly Vicki Davies [Coolcat teacher] is a pretty popular tweeter! From there I discovered how annoying it would be to follow me on Twitter. Neither, of course, are to be confused with…
I’ve just had Mendeley_com start to follow me on Twitter. Not quite sure how they found me, but Mendeley itself claims to be social software for managing & storing research papers. In itself, perhaps it’s not that new, there are other academically slanted social bookmarking etc., tools (e.g. Connotea, Scholar [which can be integrated with…
Twitter – in the Guardian.
I’ve noticed a huge number of articles in the press on Twitter. Was going to post a link to the one I was reading in Tuesday’s G2. However, I had difficulty finding it when searching the Guardian for twitter … 724 mentions of it, of which 25 were this year (so, about 3 a day)….
Ning: The Marmite of Social Networks.
You love it or loathe it. I’ve recently read several posts singing the praises of Ning. I’ve had an account on it for quite some time & I’ve yet to learn to love it in the way that some do. It does have some very good points – quite a lot in fact: It’s very…
Last week, Terry King & I went to the “International Elgg Conference” at Brighton University. Some of you are, no doubt, sick of me “banging on” about Elgg, (I see it’s recently won the InfoWorld “Best Open Source Social Networking” software recently) Other Universities (e.g. Brighton, Westminster [theirs is closed, so the link is to…
Social Conferencing.
Alt C used Crowdvine to get some social networking going during the conference – it was Ok, though I have seen better Social networks (mind you, I’d far rather Crowdvine than Ning!) I’ve just seen the website for Handheld Learning – which seems to be a very useful site – as it’s got some social…
Visualising social software.
Malinka Ivanova has a list of a number of tools to visualise links in social networking. I see she’s also got a cloud tag powered by Quintura – a search engine that’s interested me for some time….