Student expectations study – Our Space, not Your Space.

JISC have released a report looking at the expectations of students entering University – in terms of Computer access/ support/ use in learning etc. Many of their expectations are predictable, that, for example, they’ll be less restricted in the websites that they can access – especially in Halls. Others are similar to some of the…

Facebook friends

Bluetooth helps Facebook friends So, if I have a bluetooth phone, I can register it with Cityware & then when I encounter someone else who has also registered, and they are my friend on facebook, then it will register. However, given that bluetooth doesn’t travel that far, what are the chances that someone on my…

SNS for Students.

Wired ran a series of articles entitled “Education 2.0”. This particular one focussed on Social Network Tools. Given that Marc Canter at the Web2.0 conference suggested an average user is active on five social networks, they’ve created a list of 5. (MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn [particularly for those leaving education], Bebo [which, they note is most…