| Home An attempt to map who’s doing what, where. C’mon Portsmouth, there’s only 7 of us listed, as does Southampton; but Plymouth has 54, and Edinburgh 58! It’s not the fastest of websites, and adding your interests is a little slow. It’s good, in that there’s a list to choose from – thus…

Teaching and Learning With Twitter

Jennifer has made some very valid points following the TLt Summit 2008 In particular: It is time to toss out the “blog, wiki, podcast” mantra. This is bigger than tools isolated for singular purpose. If we keep pushing the tools into categories, new users will continue to only use the tools for those purposes. We…

7 Things You Should Know About Ning

EDUCAUSE CONNECT’s latest 7 things you should know is about Ning. I’ve mentioned Ning in the past, including the fact that I find it frustrating that it requires a lot of logging in. My fear for using it for social networking in Education, is that if you have one network per unit / subject (whatever…

Facebook Chat.

I read about Facebook Chat a while ago, and I’ve now just seen that it’s been enabled for me. I’ve not yet tested it, but I think that it may well be a very useful extra (as I’ve mentioned in the past when it didn’t exist)…

Facebook Chat

Facebook Chat is being rolled out. My personal feeling is that it’s going to prove very popular – quicker than walls, and, presumably, much easier to control privacy and who can see it. From that report, it seems that chat will be one to one, which could be a limiting factor, on the other hand…

Are you an Alpha Socialiser or an Attention Seeker?

Ofcom research identifies social networking profiles There are several interesting points that it raises, so I’ll only comment on some: The research finds that it is common for adults to have a profile on more than one site (the average being 1.6) and half of current adult social networkers say that they access their profiles…


I’ve heard about Citizendium a few times in the last few days. Today was, however, the first time that I went to it. It’s founded by Larry Sanger – one of the founders of Wikipedia. The aims of the site are: * We aim at credibility, not just quantity. * Open to public participation—gently guided…