“On this day”

Facebook’s “On this day” often throws up things I’d totally forgotten about. Today’s was work related, and, in many ways, it’s still as relevant now as it was 7 years ago: I’’m recently starting to think more and more about Web2.0 and teaching; more specifically how much is actually “web2.0” (on the assumption it can…

Uni's Closed – but how did you know.

Following a post from Brian Kelly, I started thinking about how University of Portsmouth let students/staff know that it was closed today. We had a number of sources: Twitter: @portsmouthuni @portsmouthsu @uoplibrary Websites One on the Uni site & one on the Student Union Site Email … though there only seemed to be an all…

Examples of digital innovation in government

The DUIS have set up a site to list examples of digital innovation in government. It’s created using the tag digitalgovuk in Del.icio.us – so updates as new sites are added. At the moment, it’s an interesting looking list of useful sites (&, so far, not spammed to death!)…

Social Conferencing.

Alt C used Crowdvine to get some social networking going during the conference – it was Ok, though I have seen better Social networks (mind you, I’d far rather Crowdvine than Ning!) I’ve just seen the website for Handheld Learning – which seems to be a very useful site – as it’s got some social…

A vision of Students today.

I’ve seen this video in the past, but had forgotten about it until someone reminded me. Worth watching again, now that we have a new semester….

Jane's E-Learning Pick of the Day: Slideshow of the Day

Jane Hart’s “25 Tools” is today’s Slideshow of the Day Of those she lists: Firefox – yes (and Flock) Delicious – got an account, but never use it. Google Reader – yes, embedded into my iGoogle page (& now into Vista’s Sidebar) Gmail – yes – again into iGoogle (though not the Vista sidebar ……