X4L – Exchange for Learning – Video

Using RELOAD: The Reload tool, which you have on your CDs, which is an example of a tool that you can use to help you generate XML markup describing your learning objects (e.g. to share them with others, integrate into other systems), is described and demonstrated on this video….

ICTP Workshop on Web Enabling Technologies for Scientists

ICTP Workshop on Web Enabling Technologies for Scientists: “The plethora of (less-known) Open Source technologies can offer to the Scientific Community of the Third World concrete alternatives to enter the Internet Revolution and to share their contents and resources with their peers world-wide. This lack of knowledge indicates the need for the academic environment to…

The use of Computer and Video Games for learning

A review of the literature.I’ve recently come across this review, published by the LSDA (Learning and Skills Development Agency), and it seems to be quite comprehensive. As they are working with the post-16 sector, the research that they’ve reviewed does seem to focus slightly more to this end. From the skim read I’ve had so…


Enhanced Presence Management for Collaboration, Learning, and Gaming This is a tool that’s been developed at the Open University, based around Jabber, an open source IM client, which is interoperable with most other main clients. This particular client is Java Based, so runs on most machines. It’s the one IM client that the university does…

Search wars – which is the best?

BBC NEWSHaving just had a tutorial during which the students were looking at different search tools, both from the point of view of the searcher and the webmaster, I returned to my office and found this article had been posted at the BBC in the interim. Seems like the Butler was doing very well today….

Kiwi Wiki

Kiwi Wiki: KiwiWiki This is a wiki – set up specifically for a 3 week lecture tour of New Zealand being given by Alan Levine from Maricopa Community Colleges. The lectures – and therefore the Blog, cover ePortfolios, Blogs, RSS, etc etc etc….

Evolving Technologies 2004

EDUCAUSE REVIEW | November/December 2004,?Volume 39, Number 6 Another Educause paper (Educause seems to be a good source of information). This time it is looking at emerging technologies, covering those that can be of advantage to the Higher Education Community – such as Learning Objects, those that are currently seen as a problem – but…

Accessibility of the Blogging Revolution

Accessibility of the Blogging Revolution This is an abstract of a paper that was presented at the 2004 Technology & People with disabilities Conference (California State University). It’s got some useful references, though it’s a bit ironic that it doesn’t look very good in Firefox….

Tracing the evolution of Social Software

Tracing the evolution of Social Software is a fascinating article, going back to the 1940s & Vannevar Bush’s concept of “Memex” – and then tracing through to todays complex systems. The whole blog (Christoper Allen seems to make infrequent, but in depth posts) focusses on Social Software, Collaboration etc. Well worth a read….

RSS Feeds

I’ve just been experimenting with putting a RSS (Rich Site Summary, or RDF Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication – depends on who you ask!) feed onto my site. It’s taken from the Edu RSS at Stephen Downes’ site. There is more about RSS and some of its potential uses at http://www.mnot.net/rss/tutorial/ My original plan had…