Stephen Downes is having a hiatus from his OLDaily. I’ve tried to leave a comment on the site, a couple of times, but I can’t seem to. Guess it’s too full! He’s an inspiration – what more can one say?…
Category: Other
Call for internet safety lessons
Call for internet safety lessons ust over half had seen pornography on the web, but only four out of 10 said they would tell their parents if something on the net made them feel uncomfortable, she said. The first statistic is worrying, however, the report doesn’t say how that was broken down across the age…
Upgrading to 2.0
I finally managed it the other day. I’m not sure what I was doing wrong, though I suspect that the fact that I didn’t have much webspace wasn’t helping, when trying to extract files etc. After a lot of attempting to delete whole directories in WS-FTP lite (is there a way to get it to…
An Introduction to Connective Knowledge
Stephen Downes actually posted this nearly two months ago, just before Christmas. I’ve finally read it, and it’s well worth reading. He’s looking at knowledge in general, and with lots of concrete examples, it’s very easy to read. Thanks, Steven….
Free Software as a Social Movement
ZNet |Corporate Globalization | Free Software as a Social Movement An interview with Richard Stallman of the Free Software Movement. Given the title of this article, and his book “Free softwre, Free Society“, (available as pdf, as well as hardback!) it’s not unsurprising to discover that he sees very close links between free & open…
Learning on the Move
I recently attended a joint meeting of the CETIS Accessibility & Educational Content SIGs – which had some useful material. There are links to most of the presentations there. Paul Trafford has a nice summary on his blog. Australian Flexible Learning Framework – also has some useful, related material….
Wikipedia – in the News
There’s been a rush recently of reports about Wikipedia – starting with Wikipedia tightening the rules , quickly followed by Wikipedia joker eats humble pie. Now, it seems that Nature have compared the accuracy of information on both Wikipedia and Britannica, and have found that there’s little difference in the number of inaccuracies between the…
CanCore: LOM Tools
CanCore: LOM Tools List of tools that support creation of Learning Object Metadata….
Explaining and Showing Broad and Narrow Folksonomies
Thomas Vander Wal looks at the idea of a broad folksonomy (e.g. – where lots of people tag things – many using the same tags, some different tags, and a narrow folksonomy (e.g. Flickr), where a single person applies the tags. Ties in well with the work we’ve been doing with the MSc eLearning…
first impressions based on tag clouds
apophenia has a nice look at tags. I’ve tried to use tags in the past – though have only tagged my own blog. By looking at a general tag clouds for Live Journal, Technorati &, the markedly differing interests of the users can be seen….