More audio

Since I made the post this morning, I’ve done some more investigating and have found PodPress – and bought a rather snazzy headset. So, here’s my latest attempt. Transcript: This is so much easier than the one I was using this morning….

Audio Blogging.

A link from Mr Belshaw’s blog to mine, lead me to his blog, and then to EduPress – his customised version of WordPress. I rather liked his podcasting, so further investigating took me to Martin Laine’s Audio Player – which I’ve now installed & hope I’ve got working. I’m trying to work out the best…

Wiki supporting a book.

The Wealth of Networks has a wiki to support the book. What’s not entirely clear is if the intention is to develop an independent network of readers, or if it’s more of a way of advertising the book. The book is available for download. There’s a link to Amazon, if you want to buy the…


mySociety claim that they build websites that give people simple, tangible benefits in the civic and community aspects of their lives. They’ve launched a competition to allow readers to suggest a site; was a previous winner….

Washington Post's left-baiting blogger is fired for plagiarism

Washington Post’s left-baiting blogger is fired for plagiarismDomenech, 24, had only been working for 3 days & made 6 posts, when the “blog for the majority of Americans” was closed, following evidence of his plagiarism in various student newspapers etc….

Presentation as Conversation

CogDogBlog suggests when giving a talk … START WITH THE DEMO! — do not use 90% of the time for background, rationale, theory, reference, pictures of your kids, yadda yadda, get to the stinkin’ demo! Show us the demo! It’s something that I would fully agree with ……


Anne Davies writes about getting students to reflect – and the fact that it’s hard to get pupils to start to reflect; that they aren’t used to thinking about what they are learning. Our journey of learning is so rarely discussed. That’s one of the marvels of blogging for me. People are doing that and…

Video games tackle 'lazy eye'

BBC NEWS | Technology | Video games tackle ‘lazy eye’  I was one of those childnre who had to have a pair of patched glasses to attempt to cure a lazy eye … I think it’s still a bit on the idle side at times….



Just testing the Structured blogging plugin. Version 1.0pre13 (the latest) doesn’t seem to work for me, though this one (0.5) does. Not sure why…


Zooomr was created by a 17 year old – in 3 months, and TechCrunch see it as a potential rival to Flickr, with improved features. Zooomr (currently off line due to massive interest, sparked, no doubt by having been slashdotted) offers the user the ability to have a variety of metadata – including audio. Audio…