Explaining and Showing Broad and Narrow Folksonomies

Thomas Vander Wal looks at the idea of a broad folksonomy (e.g. Del.icio.us) – where lots of people tag things – many using the same tags, some different tags, and a narrow folksonomy (e.g. Flickr), where a single person applies the tags. Ties in well with the work we’ve been doing with the MSc eLearning…

Issues re. Students and blogs.

Student Suspended over Blog Posts A potentially worrying report from Marquette University (US). A student has been suspended for the comments he’s made in a blog. However, if read this report, you’ll see that he’s commented about un-named staff & students, whereas other anonymous students have named staff in their complaints; equally, there must be…

first impressions based on tag clouds

apophenia has a nice look at tags. I’ve tried to use tags in the past – though have only tagged my own blog. By looking at a general tag clouds for Live Journal, Technorati & Del.icio.us, the markedly differing interests of the users can be seen….

Virtual Canuck ยป Educational Social Overlay Networks An interesting first post in a blog. Terry Anderson is looking at the way in which personal webspace (Blogs, portfolios etc) & educational webspace (e.g. libraries, VLEs etc) can & should be combined. He looks at the idea of a Social overlay network – so looking in particular…


I’ve already mentioned “Writely” though I have to confess that though I’d mentioned it previously, I’d not really tested it. Having read Brian Lamb’s review of it, I thought I’d really better check it out. I’ve set up an account, and am using it now, hopefully in the process of creating this particular post. Though…

The $100 Laptop- vaporware?

Teemu Leinonen takes a step back & looks at the practicalities of the $100 laptop. While I’ve been in favour of it in general & have reported on the progress quite a lot here, that was, in no small part, due to the technological innovations. I had thought about the practical implications quite a lot,…

Blogorrhea and blogs vs cellulose

Doug Johnson I think that I’ve definitely got “Blogorrhea” today. (And, suspect that I’ve had “Blogstipation” over the past few weeks!)…

Internet – Friend or Foe of Learning

Terraviva , an online edition of TerraViva, have a report from the recent World Summit on the Information Society, looking at the reaction of some Chilean schools to the “problems” introduced by allowing children to Word process homework (plagiarism being the main issue). Other teachers are commenting on the fact that while computers have been…