Glass orb with reflection of the landscape in it

I’ve recently had my “OSAR” – the Dundee equivalent of an annual review; among other things, I realise that I need to get back into blogging. There are many reasons, firstly, when I do it, I like it!

However, we’re also busy rolling out a pilot of CampusPress – and so if I’m helping others, I want to be back into working on a blog.
I’ve done several posts recently for our current set up at work (also WordPress, though hosted locally). The most popular has been our nascent “Learning X” series – which I’m doing alongside Natalie Lafferty & others at Dundee – and, perhaps one day, beyond!

Posts have also been appearing here; many years ago, I had to make a rapid move from using Delicious as my main bookmarking tool, to using Diigo – with Delicious as a backup. However, Delicious is no longer working, it’s just an archive. So, I started to look at alternatives for a bookmark backup (do I really need one … )

I experimented with, and created a new applet – which was more fiddly than the old create a recipe. The first issue was that I had to go to the platform, and hunt round till I found where I could just create an applet; I didn’t want to add my platform to the mix – just wanted the free to use version for the end user. Once I’d found that, there were a few more hurdles to get over, though they were more related to getting the correct path for the xmlrpc.php file; once I’d sorted that it was fine.

You’ll see above here a link that says bookmarks; until today, I’d set it to public, however, I have now set it to private, as it’s really only a back up for me – but was wanting to test it. I’ve recently made the applet public, so have a go!

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