Scott Leslie has started a useful wiki, recognising that many are tied to a CMS (i.e. VLE), but may, in the future want to get the stuff out … We’ve now got WebCT Vista (locally known as Victory), and it seems that it’s not the easiest to get material out of. Maybe it will get easier in the future.

One thought on “CMS Conversion Tools

  1. Hi, I came across your blog from Zephoria’s! I have to say, I never would have thought of an inherent weakness concerning CMS. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but why hasn’t anybody implemented cross-platforming data feeds like the use of XML in RSS to extract data for different uses? My school system uses blackboard and I could definitely see this being used somehow—a massive overhaul with the interface and system would be needed but if we’re all for efficiency and standardization for a richer educational experience, why not go for it?


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