Glass orb with reflection of the landscape in it

Researchers from Plymouth have a range of ideas for how Web 2.0 tools (predominantly blogs/ wikis/podcasts) might be used for Clinical practice education. They have links to a range of sites (including a FluWiki) This might well tie in with the work we’re looking at in the ExPRET Centre.

2 thoughts on “Web 2.0 and virtual collaborative Clinical Practice

  1. I’m interested in getting synthesised speech to read stuff on some of my web pages, so I was excited by your ‘Listen to this podcast’ feature. What I have in mind is getting the system to read notes that are *not* on the web page but are associated with it. Typically a web page might show an example of something, perhaps a video or a screen capture image, and the spoken words would explain what the image was about. A print version of the same thing would show the image and the explanation in print form (naturally). Any ideas how the technique used here could be repurposed?

  2. No …
    There are quite a few tools that exist now for reading text … though I’ve seen what I think is what you’re thinking of implemented more in thing like Director than in a web page.
    You’d have to have something that will feed the text to an MP3 generator … student project???

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