eFoundations: The importance of being open I have just found this blog – Andy Powell is discussing some of the JISC tools (in particular JORUM and JISC IE), and comparing them to freely available tools (such as SlideShare, Flickr etc). He makes some good points, both about the “Reinventing the Wheel” syndrome, as well as the simple fact that sites like Slideshare seem to have a lot more resources than JORUM.
He points out that JISC IE and JORUM don’t appear to encourage participation in the way that Web 2.0 tools do, though he’s not quite sure why.
The comments are also well worth reading, as the commenters have made useful points.
I located this post (and the whole blog, which is one I’m going to add to my Bloglines account) through CoComment. That’s a site that tracks blogs and other sites that you have made comments on – and you can see who else has made a comment on the same site(s). It’s rather like the “My Activity” tracking found in Elgg.