Blogging ln Learning

Blogging in learning is a presentation put together by Steven Downes. It’s predominantly a set of links to other sites – covering both the practical side of setting things up – and the more theoretical side of using them in the classroom….

The Write Weblog: Blog! Blog!

The Write Weblog: Blog! Blog!This is a post from a blog maintained by an Elementary school teacher – and her 5th grade class. The reason for putting it in here, was I rather liked the children’s pictures of blogging, which you can see in the photo album in the right hand bar. On the left…

Teaching and Learning Conference 2004

Terry and I did a short presentation (cut a little shorter by the fact that the Network wouldn’t let me log on), about blogs. The material that we used is (if you would rather have a less scrolling and smaller writing, then I’ve also uploaded a Word Doc, which has all of the…

Bridging the Digital Divide

Wi-fi web reaches farmers in Peru The growth of WiFI is allowing people in many areas to have access to IT. Often these areas are those without phones – as in this case, or as in the case reported a few months ago – in Nepal. The whole concept of the so called “Digital Divide”…

Furl instead of blog

elearnspace: Furl instead of blog: This is looking at the case that not everyone is a blogger. Furl enables the sharing of links. I’m not entirely sure of the difference between Furl and say iKeepbookmarks – which can be set up to be used as a class bookmark – with short comments & grades given…

Selling Warwick Blogs to Warwick,

Selling Warwick Blogs to Warwick, 16/12/04, Soft[ware] SubversionsFor the paper that Terry and I are doing about Blogs, I’ve been looking at other Universities’ uses of Blogs, Warwick is probably the most developed in the UK (though Harvard has had them for longer in the US). This particular entry looks at the potential uses of…

Blogger Help :

How do I post pictures?: As I’m doing some research for the talk that we are giving next week for the Teaching and Learning Conference, I thought that I’d have a bit of a more indepth look at using images in Blogs. I’ve used PhotoBucket to host the image of me in the profile. Blogger…

MSc Team

MSc Team Originally uploaded by Emmadw. This is the team at the start of 2003 – we’ve since added a few new faces – and Mandy’s left – with Elspeth soon to go….