Glass orb with reflection of the landscape in it


I’ve not had a chance to look at SlideSix yet, but the review at FreeTech4teachers & what I can see so far, it looks as if it could be a good rival to SlideRocket – which I rather like. (I’m also hoping to test out Prezi at some point in the not too distant future!)…

280 Slides

I’ve just had a wee play with 280 Slides. I’m impressed. It let me search online for images & videos that could be embedded, and then let me upload it to slideshare. In terms of Presentations, it’s not got too many choices, just a few backgrounds & a few layouts – but given that most…

Online Presentation Tools.

I’ve used Slideshare quite a bit since I discovered it (apparently I first mentioned in it June 06), and I’ve also looked at other sites that offer similar functionality, though have tended to stick to slideshare as I’m used to it. There are other sites, though, that have additional functionality, and I do rather like…