I’ve had the same theme on my blog for quite some time now. I mentioned last week that, having tested CampusPress’s Accessibility plugin, I realised I needed to change some of the font colouring, so it seemed a good time, rather than updating just the colour to start over. 

I’ve gone for CampusPress’s Flex – it’s designed to be accessible, and so seems like a good idea. It took me a bit of tweaking – to get the images back in the header (I’m thinking maybe header images are too noughties, or perhaps the teens, but not for the twenties, but I like them!) I’ve also discovered that in order not to have the site title appearing twice, I need a logo – so my Lego Mini Me (from Minifigs.me ) is looking over my blog, just as she looks over my desk. 

I think there are still a few things to tweak, but on the whole, I’m liking the new look – though still prefer the Classic editor for writing, to the new block editor. I’ll get there! 

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