Looking at my blog, I realise I haven’t blogged for over a year. I think, though, in the last week, more has changed in many ways than the whole of this period.
This time last week, we were assuming teaching would continue on campus, albeit with lots of hand washing. Sunday morning we heard face to face teaching would cease with immediate effect. Monday morning came – the campus was, naturally, much quieter than usual, though most staff – at least those in the library and that I came into contact with were on campus. We’d got the first of our drop in sessions to support staff transitioning to teaching online – we had over 60 people at one stage. I had to send for reinforcements! Oh, and I got an email from Marie, saying she’d posted my guest blog post
Tuesday – and the University decided that if you could work at home, you should. Luckily, I had my car, and took all I thought I’d need.
Wednesday, the first day of working from home, thinking about the practical set up – at the time that was put my work stuff on my craft table, and leave my personal Mac on the desk. I’m now thinking of switching them at the weekend, as it’ll give me more space on the craft table for hobbies.
Thursday, and I discovered I couldn’t find my Apple mouse, my craft table doesn’t have a flat surface, and finally I’d got the wrong charger for the laptop. I’d managed to book a hair appointment – so escaped back to Dundee for a while. The train was more or less empty, the library almost deserted, but I did manage to have a wonderful haircut (v. short), buy some flour (which I later realised was gluten free) and just feel far more relaxed for the evening session I’d previously arranged on using TII for some (already distant) staff.
And now it’s Friday. The library is closing completely at 4; I’ve figured out teams a bit more, but I’m now starting to think of the weekend, and what I can do to amuse myself when so many things are closed.
So, some of my ideas for things to do:
- Get the bike sorted out – then use it!
- Explore all those hills that are on my doorstep
- Actually complete the Lego Chalet books covers! ( I realise I need to sort out the flickr album!)
- Start to tackle the To Be Read pile.
- Garden more
- Blog more. Will I manage to do this once a week, I wonder. I’m going to try. It’s going to be such a different time, that maybe I will be able to get the momentum I didn’t have before.