Glass orb with reflection of the landscape in it

I’ve just given an overview of the way I’ve been using blogs with students – showing examples of several of the blogs that I’ve had over the years.

  • Blogger
  • Blogging IT and EDucation – a WordPress powered blog hosted on the Tech server
  • EduSpaces – powered by Elgg, allowing me to import the posts I have on the tech server, and also to create communities of students. Gives the students lots of control over who can see their posts.
  • Elgg Spaces. Also powered by Elgg, but can create small setups. Used by a group of Digital Media students. Most of their posts are private to the group.
  • Facebook: This is just the home page – you’ll have to create an account to see it. A search for “University of Portsmouth” showed 175 groups last week, 221 last night, and 250 in the actual session.

I also showed staff a diagram created by Terry Anderson:

He’d used it to show a route that staff could take from the safety of a VLE, to using Elgg.

I’ve adapted it (the red arrow) to show what can be done with CurveRider’s WebCT Elgg link… – which is something I’d like to see implemented.

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