
I’ve just had Mendeley_com start to follow me on Twitter. Not quite sure how they found me, but Mendeley itself claims to be social software for managing & storing research papers. In itself, perhaps it’s not that new, there are other academically slanted social bookmarking etc., tools (e.g. Connotea, Scholar [which can be integrated with…

Glide OS

I’m just testing GlideOS. It apparently offers you 10GB of storage free, it’s possible to create documents & presentations, to email them to people; to share the desktop with up to 5 users (for free). It uses popups for the various tools; Firefox though, didn’t let me know it had blocked them, so I was…

Issuu – You Publish

Issuu is another document sharing site. Like Scribd it’s for sharing published documents, rather than providing a service to enable creating the document, as Think Free or Zoho do. Issuu at the moment only allows pdf files, but it’s got an interesting way of viewing them – just like a book. The interface rather reminded…