TLC: Dulce Et Decorum Est

Dulce Et Decorum Est A wonderful example of using Audio in the Classroom. Students were given Dulce et Decorum Est: – one of Wilfrid Owen’s poems. It was divided into chunks – they had to put them back in the correct order. As well as the poem, sound effects (screaming, shooting etc.) are used. The…

eLearning Design Challenge

» eLearning Design Challenge #6 This is now the 6th challenge that has been set, and, I think that it’s an interesting and challenging one. The brief is to design an online learning solution for schools. The topic though is “How to be nice to each other, and it’s to be aimed at teenagers. As…

Recording Skype

AuricleWith the growth of VoIP, Derek Morrison has been looking at how Skype conversations might be captured, and then used later for teaching. He looks at several options for the capture, finally choosing the simplest as the best….

E-learning Strategy

A couple of useful articles/ longer blog entries about how an e-learning strategy might be developed. Godfrey Parkin has a more commercial overview in his, Parkin’s Lot: Defining an E-Learning Strategy, where Steven Downes focusses on Some Principles of Effective eLearning . The Alliance for Higher Education Competitiveness have also produced a report “What are…


elearnspace. Eportfolios Lots of information about, and examples of, ePortfolios. The site as a whole has a lot of useful information….

Can video games stimulate academic learning?

Cognitive Daily » Can video games stimulate academic learning? This reports on an experiment with children in Chile, using Handheld video games (Grades 1/2) for 30 minutes before lessons. Working with children in “distressed” schools in Chile (I’m interpreting that to mean poor areas, so unlikely to have much experience of video games at home),…

The Case against text books.

Weblogg-ed – The Read/Write Web in the Classroom : While some of Will Richard’s points are valid, e.g. # You can’t link it to other relevant ideas or concepts in any organized way. # You can’t access it if it’s not in your posession. # You can’t copy out important information and paste it with…


GENDER & COMPUTING This looks like a useful blog to add to the (rather too many!) that I’m already following via Bloglines. I’ve come across some of Hilde’s work before, both when I was doing research for the 1st year BSc. STAS material on Gender and the IT industry, and for the final year EdCOM…