Glass orb with reflection of the landscape in it

Over the years, had you asked me what I’d expect defining events of my lifetime to be, I suspect the list would have gone something like

  • Falklands War
  • Miners Strike
  • Berlin wall falling
  • Year 2000
  • Brexit
  • Covid-19

Right now, that feels as if Covid will be the defining event of my life – it’s certainly got a far greater global impact than any of the others. Today, though, Europe at least, is looking back on an event that very much shaped the Europe we know today – VE day.

This image was created and released by the Imperial War Museum on the IWM Non Commercial Licence. Photographs taken, or artworks created, by a member of the forces during their active service duties are covered by Crown Copyright provisions. Faithful reproductions may be reused under that licence, which is considered expired 50 years after their creation.

These two children may still be alive, their memories of VE day may be in the back of their minds, perhaps more from others’ descriptions of events than their own recollections.

Post war Britain brought in the NHS and major changes to education in the UK.  Will we make such radical changes to the way that life happens after Covid 19. My feeling is, that though there might not be such major, national changes, I could see major lifestyle changes. Flexible working and education – at least at Higher/Further education- are both now much more realistic than before. How that will pan out is yet to be seen. I’m still missing the office though, and would not like to become a fully remote worker. Actually, I think my ideal would be a 4 day week – I know that some areas have experimented in the past with a 4 day week/ 3 day weekend. Care workers, cleaners, shop assistants and many others being valued – that would be great were those things were to stay.

In other weeks, I’ve shared posts I’ve found useful – however, this week, I think I’ll look forward a bit

  • At home
    • Plant up some seeds
    • Try to rescue my pond from a severe pondweed issue, and get the fountain going – I don’t think it’s going to freeze again.
    • Finish that large Lego model I started
    • Start a jigsaw – we got one out right at the start of lockdown, and it’s stayed unopened.
  • At work next week
    • Looking forward to really getting going on projects we’ve had on the back burner for some time – a framework for best practice in use of the VLE, getting LearningSpaces, our blogging platform opened up more for general usage.
    • Doing a bit more reading of things I’ve bookmarked.
    • Who knows, perhaps that backlog of older drafts will get tackled – published or deleted!

And a photo from the week.


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