I’m just back from the HEA ICS’s 12th (and final) annual conference.
Inevitably, a fair bit of discussion was taken up with what the changes to the Academy are going to bring for the community, but, for now, I’ll concentrate on a bit of looking back over the conference, than trying to employ my prophecy skills!
Some of the highlights included a session with Bruce Scharlau from Aberdeen – playing some of the games he uses with his MSc students as part of a 1 week course just prior to their projects, I could see some potential for induction week – especially if we can get the Software Engineers to spread themselves round the group – to share the knowledge they already have.
The software that Norman Creaney was using for helping students understand the range of ethical dilemmas that can occur in the workplace looked great – and something I think we could use not only with the MSc FIT students, but also with some of the research methods students to give them other approaches to the inevitable ‘survey’.
Updated: January … just having a tidy up of the database & realised I’d not published this …