Safe Blogging Though these guidelines are written for school age students, many of them are highly applicable to under/post graduate students as well … such as

  • I will avoid the use of chat language.
  • I will try to spell everything correctly.
  • I will only give constructive criticism.
  • I am responsible for anything posted in my name.
  • I will not plagiarize.
  • I will use common sense.


3 thoughts on “Safe Blogging

  1. Hm. This may be good advice. But it’s hard to see how this makes blogging safer per se. Unless there are language goons out there who will attack you if you spell words incorrectly, etc.

  2. I’m inclined to agree with Stephen on this one.

    However, I think the original post title is slightly misleading, and the points in question seem to fit under the heading of responsible blogging. I guess the teacher is trying to make kids aware of the potential consequences of their online actions. Jeanne’s comment:

    “That means ten years from now when you are looking for a job, it might be possible for an employer to discover some really hateful and immature things you said when you were younger and more prone to foolish things. Be sure that anything you write you are proud of. It can come back to haunt you if you don’t.”

    is very good advice. The current youth generation will be the first to grow up with the Internet as an ever-present entity, recording their thoughts and actions for all posterity from an early age potentially.

  3. Yes, I agree that “safe” blogging probably isn’t the best title .. I just used Jeanne’s original title.
    I’ve not quoted them all – those that relate most to “safe” blogging (i.e. not using first names/ not posting photographs) are probably more relevant to her students than to University Students.

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