ITI Newslink Look at section 3.
ERIC has been given a bit of a make over. Since last year they have been working initally on the content and appearance, and now …
Recently, ERIC introduced improved features in the Basic and Advanced Search interfaces and expanded search result viewing options. Searchers can now construct nested Boolean searches using the AND, OR, and NOT operators in both Basic and Advanced Search. ERIC is also providing new metadata for materials published 2004 and forward, including educational level, peer-reviewed status of journals, and reference count.
On Sept. 13, 2005, ERIC announced the release of citation management functionality. Searchers can now mark records for placement in a temporary work space called “My Clipboard.” This new feature permits users to print, e-mail, or export records, as well as save them to a folder in their My ERIC account. The export feature is compatible with citation management software that supports multiple output styles.